With scientific research showing the adverse effects on health that the consumption of dairy causes leaving people who consume dairy susceptible to issues with inflammation such as upper respiratory tract infections, colds, allergies, hay fever and asthma (all of which are a nightmare for any vocalist) students who attend OVS are required to eliminate Dairy from their diet. Dairy products are not permitted at OVS.
“Dairy” is an industry term used to label calf milk. A calf is a baby cow. Calf milk is produced by a lactating cow to feed her offspring. A cow lactates when it is pregnant or has given birth. Calf milk is a sustenance and growth food biologically designed to feed a baby cow, not a human of any age.
Health Concerns About Dairy (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)
Dangers of Dairy (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)
The Perils of Dairy (John McDougall MD) (59:53 onwards)
Dr Celine Inderhaug (General Practitioner, Kallangur QLD) “I’m aware of the role of eating dairy products and the resultant increased mucous production leading to recurrent URTIs and hayfever symptoms”.
12 Frightening Facts About Milk (Thomas Campbell, MD)
7 Ways Milk and Dairy Products Are Making You Sick (Forks Over Knives)